October 29, 2019

What Are Average Call Center Metrics? (FAQ)

What Are Average Call Center Metrics? (FAQ) Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

Response Time

To measure your customer experience, it’s important to track several metrics. First response time, for example, measures the time it takes agents to answer customer requests. The longer an agent takes to answer a query, the worse it is for the customer. Overall productivity can also be tracked by looking at the average time in queue. This metric reflects how quickly agents can resolve customer requests. Keeping an eye on these metrics is crucial to ensuring a positive client experience.

Average Resolution Time

Another important metric is the average resolution time (AHT). Having a shorter AHT is correlated with higher customer satisfaction. That’s why it’s vital to measure call resolution times. In general, a faster AHT reflects a more efficient call center. However, it’s counterproductive for agents to rush through calls. To determine AHT, divide the total number of incoming calls by the number of agents.

Number of Agents in Queue

Another important metric is the number of agents in queue. A high percentage means that your call center agents are too busy to help customers. A high ASAT rate is an indicator that agents are overwhelmed. The longer an agent is on hold, the worse their customer service will be. If you’re a company looking to hire the best and brightest, ASA is one of the most important metrics you can measure. If your call center has a high number of agents, you’ll want to look for a solution that reduces your wait time.