July 5, 2023

Is Lead Validation Worth the Time?

Is Lead Validation Worth the Time? Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

Every new lead holds promise for small and medium-sized businesses. Yet, sorting through hundreds of new leads every month to find that one golden opportunity can be like searching for a needle in a haystack – time-consuming and overwhelming.

Lead validation, or the process of evaluating leads for their potential to become paying customers, is a game-changer for SMBs. But there’s a common roadblock – limited resources. With constraints in both time and staff, the big question is: How can SMBs efficiently carry out lead validation despite these challenges?

The Challenge of Limited Resources

The resources at the disposal of a SMB are often stretched thin across numerous business functions. With the manpower often playing multiple roles and a tight budget that needs to be judiciously utilized, dedicating substantial resources towards lead validation can pose a significant challenge.

Take the case of a fictitious small tech startup, ‘TechSolutions’. With a team of only ten employees juggling multiple roles, TechSolutions initially found it hard to validate leads effectively. The sales team had to sort through hundreds of potential leads, a process that was both time-consuming and prone to human error. This is a common struggle faced by many SMBs.

Without a strong lead validation process, your team is probably…

  • Chasing Unqualified Leads: Sales teams spend countless hours pursuing leads that aren’t ready to buy or simply aren’t interested. This results in a significant waste of time, energy, and resources that could have been better spent on qualified leads.
  • Inability to Optimize: Without validation, teams lack a clear understanding of a lead’s needs and interest level. Therefore, they might use ineffective strategies or messaging that doesn’t resonate, which could lead to a lot of unproductive interactions.
  • Losing Potential Sales: When salespeople spend time on unqualified leads, they have less time for nurturing high-quality leads. This could slow down the sales process, leading to missed opportunities and lost sales.

So why don’t more SMBs implement strong lead validation practices? Because validating leads takes time too. When time is precious the following tasks can fall to the bottom of the to-do list pretty quickly:

  • Manual Validation Process: If a company lacks automation tools for lead validation, the process can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Sales staff might spend hours manually verifying and scoring leads.
  • Data Cleaning: Inaccurate or incomplete lead data can require substantial clean-up time. Staff must sort through the data, correct inaccuracies, and fill in missing information to ensure reliable lead validation.
  • Constant Follow-ups: Validation often requires multiple interactions with leads to assess their interest and buying potential. These follow-ups can be time-consuming, especially if not properly scheduled and managed.

The Benefits Clearly Outweigh the Costs

While lead validation might take upfront time and resources, it is absolutely worth it, even for a business receiving 200-300 new leads per month. Here’s what lead validation can do for your business:

  • Better Use of Sales Time: While the number of leads might seem manageable, it’s essential to remember that not every lead is a potential customer. Validating leads ensures that your sales team focuses their time and effort on the most promising prospects, thus improving productivity and sales efficiency.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: By validating leads, you’re not just identifying potential customers; you’re identifying the ones most likely to convert. This can boost your conversion rates and positively impact your bottom line. If a sales team spends 50 hours chasing unvalidated leads with a success rate of 10%, they effectively have 5 hours of productive time. But if they spend 20 hours validating leads, they might whittle down their list so that the remaining 30 hours are spent on leads with a 50% success rate, yielding 15 hours of productive time.
  • Efficient Allocation of Marketing Budget: Knowing which leads are more likely to convert also allows you to better allocate your marketing budget. You can direct your funds towards nurturing high-potential leads, getting a better return on your marketing investment.
  • Long-term Customer Relationship Building: Lead validation is not just about immediate sales; it’s also about building long-term customer relationships. Validating leads helps you identify potential customers who might be interested in your offerings in the future, even if they’re not ready to buy right now.
  • Refinement of Marketing Strategies: The process of lead validation provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. This can help you refine your approach to attract better quality leads in the future.

Getting Started

So, how can SMBs improve their lead validation? To start with, it’s essential to develop a lead validation process. Prioritizing high-quality leads that have a higher chance of conversion will cost time and money in the short run, but will save more time and significantly improve sales efficiency. 

Automated lead validation tools can also be a game-changer. For example, Pipes.ai has a lead validation tool called Lead Optimizer that uses artificial intelligence to help businesses automatically validate up to 200 leads per month for free, saving valuable time and improving sales efficiency while reducing human error. Click here to schedule a demo so that you can begin automatic lead validation for your business.

Lead validation for SMBs is a challenge, especially when resources are limited. While lead validation does require an initial investment of time and resources, the long-term benefits far outweigh these initial costs. The time spent on validation can be viewed as an investment in enhancing sales efficiency, improving conversion rates, and ultimately growing your business.