July 25, 2023

How to Stop Doing Manual Lead Validation and Use AI Instead

How to Stop Doing Manual Lead Validation and Use AI Instead Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

Lead validation is a crucial process for any sales-oriented business. It aids in determining the quality and potential of leads, helping sales teams focus their efforts on prospects that are most likely to convert into customers. Proper lead validation can increase efficiency, improve sales conversion rates, and ultimately boost the bottom line. Furthermore, it assists in better understanding customer behavior and preferences, allowing businesses to tailor their marketing and sales strategies more effectively.

Enter automation tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI). These technologies have revolutionized the lead validation process, making it quicker, more efficient, and significantly more accurate. AI tools can process vast amounts of data at speed, enabling real-time lead scoring and validation. They can analyze patterns and trends, predict lead behavior, and segment leads based on their potential value, all in a fraction of the time manual processes would take. These technologies also bring consistency to the lead validation process, reducing human error and ensuring a uniform approach across the board. By adopting AI for lead validation, businesses can streamline their sales processes, freeing up their sales teams to focus on relationship building and closing deals, ultimately driving growth and profitability.

Unfortunately, most businesses are not using these powerful tools to validate their leads. This is leading to at least four different kinds of problems for their businesses.

1. Time and Resource Intensity

Manual lead validation is a time-consuming and resource-intensive process that can eat up substantial parts of a salesperson’s day. These are precious hours that could be better utilized on activities that directly contribute to revenue generation, such as engaging with potential customers and closing deals. Moreover, this approach can lead to higher operational costs over time, particularly when you consider the need to hire more personnel as the company grows. Utilizing AI for lead validation can help streamline the process, increase efficiency, and reduce the costs associated with manual labor.

2. Human Error and Inconsistency

Relying on manual processes for lead validation can introduce the risk of human error. No matter how careful or skilled your salespeople are, mistakes can happen. This can result in overlooked opportunities or inaccurate information that might lead to ineffective sales calls. In addition, a manual approach often results in inconsistencies in the validation process due to individual interpretations and varying approaches across the sales team. This could lead to uneven lead quality, affecting the conversion rate and overall sales performance. AI, on the other hand, offers a consistent and precise approach to lead validation, minimizing the chances of human error.

3. Limited Scalability and Availability

One of the main challenges of a manual lead validation process is its limited scalability and availability. As a business grows and the volume of incoming leads increases, the process can become overwhelmed, resulting in slower response times and potential losses of opportunities. Unlike AI, manual processes can’t operate around the clock, which can lead to delays in lead validation, especially when dealing with leads from different time zones or during peak periods. An AI-driven process can work 24/7 and is highly scalable, ensuring the business can keep pace with its growth and operate effectively at all times.

4. Restricted Analysis and Adaptability

Manual processes for lead validation can restrict a business’s capacity for in-depth analysis and adaptability. In the absence of AI, businesses may miss out on valuable predictions and insights that could be derived from analyzing large datasets. Manual processes are generally slower to adapt to market changes, which can affect the business’s competitiveness and responsiveness to customer needs. AI can continuously learn from data, detect patterns, and adjust strategies accordingly, providing a more dynamic, insightful, and adaptable approach to lead validation.

Why Aren’t More Businesses Using AI for Lead Validation?

With the high risks associated with manually validating leads, why aren’t more businesses using AI automation tools for validating their leads?

  • Cost: The initial cost of AI implementation can be substantial, which might be a significant barrier for small businesses or startups. This cost includes not only the technology itself but also its integration into existing systems and training staff to use it effectively.
  • Complexity: Implementing AI for lead validation can be a complex process. It requires a certain level of technical expertise, and considerable time and resources for setup and management. Companies lacking such resources or knowledge might find this a daunting task.
  • Resistance to Change: As with any new technology, there may be a degree of resistance within the organization. Employees might fear that automation will render their roles redundant, or they may feel uncomfortable transitioning from manual to automated processes.
  • Lack of Awareness: Some businesses might not be fully aware of the potential benefits AI can bring to lead validation. If they do not understand how AI can be applied within their specific context, they might hesitate to implement it.

The hurdles posed by manual lead validation – resource intensity, susceptibility to human error, limited scalability, and restricted adaptability – can weigh heavily on a business’s sales performance and operational efficiency. In contrast, AI-powered lead validation can provide a respite, given its speed, accuracy, consistency, and scalability. Yet, concerns related to cost, complexity, resistance to change, and lack of awareness often deter businesses from adopting such automation tools.

How To Get Started Using AI for Lead Validation

The best way to get started using Artificial Intelligence is to sign up for a freemium AI lead validation tool like Lead Optimizer from Pipes.ai. When you sign up, Pipes.ai will load your account with $600 of lead validation credits, enabling you to use AI to validate 600 leads for free. That’s enough for you to see the benefits before you fully invest in AI lead validation. Sign up today so you can begin using AI to validate your leads.