Category: Lead Validation

February 13, 2024

4 Steps to Harness After-Hours Leads

When was the last time you considered after-hours revenue loss? If you manage a sales team, attention to after-hours leads is a crucial piece of company success. Take the time today to follow these four simple steps and unlock revenue streams that are currently slipping through your fingers.

January 2, 2024

Catching Up with AI Competitors

Many sales companies have recently implemented AI, and if your business doesn’t have it yet it’s easy to feel behind. It’s tempting to want to purchase the first AI you can find to stay relevant in today’s technologically competitive landscape. However, implementing AI without careful planning could lead to job elimination, legal compliance issues, or software incompatibility. What are the best ways to avoid these common AI pitfalls?

July 17, 2023

Clean Up Messy Lead Data in 6 Simple Steps

Lead validation, or the process of evaluating leads for their potential to become paying customers, is a game-changer for SMBs. But there’s a common roadblock – limited resources. With constraints in both time and staff, the big question is: How can SMBs efficiently carry out lead validation despite these challenges?

January 30, 2024

How to implement AI today – 4 simple steps

Good sales teams are always looking for ways to increase their efficiency and lead-to-customer conversion rates. If your team is considering implementing AI to improve workflow, follow these steps.

August 15, 2023

How to Implement New Lead Scoring Methods for More Sales

Some leads are diamonds. However, the truth is that every batch of leads is bound to have some duds. Even medium-value leads can be losers if they siphon time away from high-value leads because your team has no way to differentiate between the two. How can you tell which leads are the best in the… View Article

August 8, 2023

How to Update Outdated Lead Data

Companies that outdated lead data struggle to make pitches based on yesterday’s news. If this is your company’s predicament, you’re truly setting your sales team up to fail. Keep reading to learn about important tips for maintaining up-to-date leads.

August 21, 2023

How to Validate Leads With Broader Analytics

Leads can’t exist in a vacuum. When you try to use leads that haven’t been verified with broader analytics in mind, you’re not doing anything much more advanced than opening a telephone directory. Why is it so important to include analytics when verifying and ranking leads? Understanding the journey of a lead helps your sales… View Article

July 5, 2023

Is Lead Validation Worth the Time?

Lead validation, or the process of evaluating leads for their potential to become paying customers, is a game-changer for SMBs. But there’s a common roadblock – limited resources. With constraints in both time and staff, the big question is: How can SMBs efficiently carry out lead validation despite these challenges?