Artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming a mainstay of the sales industry. But some teams find themselves struggling to keep up with the technologically advanced pace. While “too many sales” is a good problem to have, if you don’t plan for it, your team can fall behind quickly and lose customers to a backlog.
Fear of overwhelm shouldn’t prevent your team from achieving new levels of success. That’s why it’s crucial to select an artificial intelligence program that comes with a trial period as well as top-notch customer service. Here at, we provide both with our 90-day optimization window.
Step One: We listen to your sales calls
When you purchase as your AI lead validation software, the first part of our 90-day optimization guarantee is sales call observation. Our implementation experts will spend dedicated time listening to your sales agents do what they do best.
In addition, a feature of our software is that it is always learning as you use it. Our AI is able to have robust conversations with clients before they reach a sales agent, acting as a lead validator and information gatherer. This program will analyze your customers’ typical questions and concerns and improve at navigating their needs over time.
Step Two: We analyze your sales process
After learning about the content of your sales calls, our team will then complete an end-to-end review of your entire sales process. This includes an examination of how you obtain leads, the training your sales agents undergo, and the way in which sales are landed.
It is key that we understand the entire process so that our AI can be integrated to augment, not complicate, the workflows you already have in place. This also gives the sales team an opportunity to provide their perspective on areas that could use improvement.
Step Three: We make recommendations for improvement and optimization
Only once we’ve thoroughly analyzed your work patterns will we recommend ways to take your sales flow to the next level. This is the part of the process where we get into detail about how our AI program can best be leveraged by your unique team for maximum impact.
In many cases, our AI is supplementary to the excellent processes you already have in place. Sometimes, we may recommend larger scale changes if we spot areas that are redundant thanks to AI implementation or will not stand up to the projected increase in sales that will result from AI.
Step Four: We make sure your sales agents are oriented to the improvements
Perhaps the most important aspect of our 90-day optimization guarantee is that we help ensure your sales agents are oriented to the new AI integrations. It is important to us that sales agents feel empowered to achieve new levels of success thanks to AI rather than feel sidelined by the new technology.
This part of the process also encompasses the implementation of the recommendations we made in Step Three. Working in partnership, our team will come alongside your sales agents to navigate the uptick in sales that you may experience after implementing artificial intelligence.
Don’t waste time and money launching an AI program from a company that won’t help you navigate any bumps in the road. If the goal is truly to increase your sales as much as possible, you’re going to need some help streamlining this influx of customers. That’s why we offer our 90-day optimization window here at To see if we could be a good fit for your team, try our AI today.