October 7, 2024

Let AI Revolutionize Your Consumer Warranty Business

Let AI Revolutionize Your Consumer Warranty Business Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

The consumer warranty industry runs on leads, so there’s nothing more frustrating than finding out your newly purchased batch of potential customers have already been contacted by a competitor. These days it seems like the quality of the warranty is irrelevant; instead, it’s simply a race to reach the customer first.

If your profits are down and your sales team is discouraged, consider the addition of artificial intelligence (AI) to your sales approach. 

Customers expect efficiency

When customers are looking to purchase a warranty, they are fitting in this shopping task between work, childcare, and household chores. They want to interact with a warranty company that is accessible whenever they happen to have five spare minutes. 

The days of robocallers and long hours spent cold calling are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Customers don’t want to deal with hold times and often won’t even pick up the phone. They expect efficient shopping experiences in the palm of their hand, day or night. 

This is why it is crucial to target customers who are already interested, and to get back to them as quickly as possible. This feat is impossible without a semi-automated protocol that can interact with likely customers the moment they begin their search for a warranty. AI can interact with your leads until it’s time for a salesperson to step in and close the deal.

Your sales team expects good leads

In addition to customer expectations, consumer warranty companies have to accommodate the needs of their sales teams. The best salesperson is only as good as the lead they are speaking with. If you don’t have a system in place to weed out bad leads, at best you’re wasting time and at worst you could end up in litigation or violation of TCPA.

The integration of software that filters out lukewarm leads can enable your sales team to prioritize customers who are actually interested. It’s also possible to vet third-party leads before you even purchase them, further streamlining your sales approach.

Excellent salespeople are only going to stick with teams that actually close deals. No one wants to sit at a desk all day without accomplishing anything. Delivering vetted, interested leads directly to your team will help not only with profits but also with morale and longevity.

Find the AI program that’s right for you

If you’re ready to find an AI solution for your team’s lead management problems, you’ll want to consider the nuts and bolts of integrating it with your current setup. Thankfully, you’ve got options. If you’re afraid that adopting an AI program means overhauling your entire technology suite, look for a program that is customizable and able to be integrated with multiple platforms seamlessly. 

In addition, make sure to find software that lets you decide how hands-on you want to be about lead management. Some companies like a lot of control over lead selection while others let the program do the heavy lifting all on its own. Look for features like custom scripts, group sorting, and anti-duplication tools to maximize your efficiency.

Here at Pipes.ai, it was our very own lead management issues that led us to create an entire AI company devoted to good leads, efficiently contacted. Our program will pinpoint the best leads you have, interact with them for you, and then deliver live calls straight to your sales team. You can even use Pipes.ai to vet third-party leads prior to purchase.

Unlike some lead validation companies, Pipes.ai lets you see your success front and center on its dashboard. We believe you need to know what’s working, what’s not, and how to tweak your approach if needed. You can even customize your data points to evaluate what matters most to you.

If you’re ready to equip your sales team with great leads, streamline sales, and boost both morale and profits, schedule a free demo today!