January 23, 2020

7 Unique Ideas to Help Improve Your Lead Follow up Process

lead follow up

Lead generation is important – an undisputed fact. However, lead follow up enables businesses to close and convert leads, which is how they make money.

If you are a salesperson, you surely know how crucial it is for your business to generate leads. But, as important as it is, lead generation is not enough. What you want to achieve, ultimately, is to close your leads!

To do so, your lead follow up strategy needs well thought out. To help you along, here at seven lead follow up ideas to help your conversion and CPA rates.

7 Unique Ideas to Help Improve Your Lead Follow up Process Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

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You work hard to acquire leads. Pipes.ai helps them convert.

1. Be Mindful of Your Leads’ Time

Let’s be honest: one of the biggest risks that most companies run when following up with leads is coming across as annoying. Why does that happen? Mainly, because follow up tactics such as email marketing often require your leads to spend a fair amount of time reading your message.

And in our digital, fast-paced world, you know very well that time is of the utmost importance. Not just for you, but for your potential clients as well. So, next time you put together a follow-up email, remember the three Cs: catchy, concise, and compelling.

2. Go Omnichannel

While calls are still the primary channel for lead follow up, that doesn’t mean you have to constrict yourself to calls only.

SMS can play a significant role in pre-qualifying your leads.

Social media, in particular the professional-led LinkedIn, can prove extremely fruitful. They offer an informal, relaxed way to get in touch with your lead in real-time (try the LinkedIn chat, or even an automated LinkedIn outreach campaign via a tool such as Expandi) without the hassle of having to wait for an email response.

A more traditional method, but one that still works wonderfully nonetheless, is a simple phone call or text message. Give your lead a ring, try to sound casual but informative, and take things from there.

3. Customize, Customize, and Customize a Bit More

As a salesperson, it shouldn’t be surprising to you that personalization can have tremendous impacts on your strategy. This applies to lead follow-ups, too.

From email to SMS and all the way to social media chats, you always need to keep your lead in mind and send a bespoke message. What type of company do they represent? What kind of product or service are you trying to get them to buy?

Bring all of these factors to the table before crafting your message. If you nail the content, style, and intention, then you’re over halfway there.

4. Remember to Say Thank You

Whatever channel you choose to follow up with your lead, and whatever type of message you are going to send, one thing always needs to be present: a thank you note.

Thank your lead for their time, their interest, and thank them in advance for their response, which you are awaiting eagerly (but without sounding obsessive). Yes, it may sound a bit old-fashioned and perhaps even not particularly useful. But rest assured that, in a world where communication is ultra-fast and relationships are often purely digital, a simple “thank you” goes a very long way.

5. Be Proactive and Confident

So far, we’ve given you tips on how not to come across as pedantic, obsessive, or annoying. And while all of this is essential, you don’t need to take it to the other extreme by not displaying any interest at all.

After all, you want and need your lead to become a client, right? So, you’ll want to spark their interest and nurture their loyalty. To achieve this, you need to show them that you are confident that your product or service will truly change their lives.

Also, you should consider being proactive and direct when communicating with your lead. If you hope to schedule a meeting or a call, don’t wait for them to tell you when they’re available. Come up with a few possible slots, and ask them if any of them works fine.

Showcase your expertise, understanding of your lead’s challenges, and greatness of your product or service. Essentially, you need to demonstrate exceptional value.

6. Offer Free, Added-Value Tools

Who doesn’t love a freebie, or the belief that we’re getting a deal? We all do, and so does your lead. Then, why not try offering them an amazing deal on one of your products or services?

To make sure they get back to you within the timeframe that you expect, place some kind of deadline on your offer. A week is generally a good idea. Anything earlier or later than that, and you’ll run the risk of coming across as too keen, or not keen enough.

7. Accept a Rejection Gracefully and Move On

You’ve tried all of these tips but are still met with deafening silence? Or, even worse, you have received a resounding “no, thank you”? It’s ok, it happens, and most likely it’s not a reflection of your abilities as a salesperson.

Accept the rejection (or consistent and prolonged lack of interest) gracefully and move on. The last thing you need, at this point, is to gain a reputation for being hassling and insistent by chasing someone who clearly doesn’t want to be chased. Remember: good news travels fast but bad news travels faster, especially in the marketing world.

Are You All Set to Supercharge Your Lead Follow up Strategy?

Imagine saying goodbye to laborious (time-consuming, unfruitful, dejecting) lead follow ups and being able to focus your efforts on acquiring new leads and closing sales.

Through intelligent automation, Pipes.ai takes care of your follow up process, and streamlines your sales funnel. We’ll help you pinpoint exactly where your leads are dropping off, and even curate your leads so that you can focus on high quality leads likely to convert.

Our team specializes in helping businesses to secure more high-quality leads and boost conversion rates, while protecting you against compliance risk!

7 Unique Ideas to Help Improve Your Lead Follow up Process Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

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