October 22, 2019

How To Calculate Call Center Metrics?

How To Calculate Call Center Metrics? Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

Measure Productivity with Call Center Metrics

The first question to ask yourself is how to calculate call center metrics. This can help you measure the productivity of your team. A busy signal is the number of calls that are on hold for an extended period. You can use an IVR or auto-transfer to reduce this, but you should still consider balancing between customer satisfaction, cost efficiency, and budget. There are many metrics to consider, including the volume of calls handled in real-time, average resolution time, and average call wait time.

Measure Active and Waiting Calls

One metric to monitor is active and waiting calls. This metric measures the number of calls that are in the queue and fluctuate from moment to moment. It is essential to track this metric in real-time. You can also measure it for individual agents. If you have a highly active and waiting call percentage, this could be a sign that your agents are overwhelmed or are not providing quality service. To calculate this quotient, divide the total number of calls by the number of agents in your call center.

Measure Average Resolution Time

Another metric that call centers should monitor is average resolution time. Shorter resolution times are directly related to customer satisfaction. It is therefore imperative to cut down this metric without sacrificing quality. The metric is calculated by dividing the total time spent on each call by the number of incoming calls. The longer the average time, the higher the quality of the service. You can also monitor your agent’s productivity by listening to their calls and taking notes.