October 3, 2019

Call Center Agent Scorecard – How to Measure Call Center Performance

Call Center Agent Scorecard - How to Measure Call Center Performance Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

Besides sales numbers, there are other important metrics that can help a call center improve its performance. The average handle-time is the first. This metric is used to determine how long agents spend working on each task and whether they are on track to reach or exceed their quota. It is important to remember that this metric is not based upon the number of calls received per hour. However, it does not necessarily reflect the level of service. It is an indicator of how quickly an agent responds to customer queries.

call center measure performance

Measuring Number and Quality of Active Calls

Another important call center metric to consider is the number and quality of active and in-waiting calls. The number and quality of calls in the queue are indicators of an agent’s availability. The agents’ stress load will be higher if there are more active calls than waiting calls. This ratio can be measured separately for each agent so that managers are able to adjust their staffing accordingly. Agents that have too many active and awaiting calls will be unable to service customers.

Measuring Call Abandonment

The number of abandoned calls is the third metric. It measures how many calls are left hanging up after an agent answers. A lower abandonment ratio indicates that customers are more satisfied. It also indicates efficiency in agents’ work. To improve customer satisfaction, a call center should aim to reduce this number. This is particularly useful for call center agents who provide excellent customer service. To gauge the performance of their agents, they should keep track of the average time it takes them for a call to be answered.

Measuring Efficiency

Call center efficiency is a key component of a successful company. You can ensure a positive customer experience by using the right metrics. Monitoring the service level of each agent is the best way to do so. A service level of 20/20 means that 80% (of all calls) will be answered within 20 secs. It can also give an indication of how long an agent spends answering the customer’s question.

Another important metric, you should monitor is the average time a customer takes to connect with an agent. This metric can help determine whether your agents deliver quality service or are at peak productivity. For example, if your average wait time is too high, it might indicate that you need to retrain your agents to be more responsive to customers. This requires you to understand what your customers want from you and what your agents do on a daily basis.

It is crucial to measure the performance of your call center by using the average hold-time metric. This will help you improve customer service. Customer service managers often aim to answer at least 80% of calls in twenty minutes or less. While it may seem trivial, this statistic can provide an important insight into the average length of a conversation. This metric can be used to manage workload and provide a positive customer experience. This can help managers improve efficiency and customer service quality in their call centers.