February 7, 2020

Call Center Agent Productivity Metrics

Call Center Agent Productivity Metrics Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

Call center agents are responsible to answer customers’ questions and provide excellent service. This can be a difficult task. You’ll need an evaluation of your call routing strategy to make sure your agents are meeting customer satisfaction survey goals. You can also track how many calls you have completed, the average time on hold, and transfers. While it’s difficult to measure every aspect of an agent’s performance, these metrics can help you improve your customer satisfaction scores.

call center agent productivity metrics

Importance of First Response Time

First response time is the difference between a customer’s submissions and the first agent’s reply. It’s important to monitor this metric, because it has a direct impact on a customer’s experience. If they are waiting too long, they may switch brands or post negative reviews online. This can cause damage to your brand’s reputation and decrease your revenue. There are metrics you can use to help you evaluate the performance and improve the business operations of your call centers.

Abandonment Ratio

Another important metric is the abandonment ratio. A high abandonment percentage can make or end the customer experience. If an agent answers a call but discovers that a customer has hung up, it can cause a negative chain reaction. And a negative experience will often lead to further problems for your business. Fortunately, there are QA metrics that can help you determine whether your agents are meeting customer expectations.

Total Agent Output Metric

Total output is an important metric to remember. It is important to realize that employees have limited time to work. This will allow you to see if your agents are able to close incoming calls and focus on customer problems. While this metric is important, it’s important to keep in mind that the number of calls handled per agent per hour can change over time due to seasonality or shift changes.

Average Hold Time

Another important metric that you need to track is the average hold time. This metric will help managers set a goal for the average length of a call and allow them to manage their workload accordingly. If the average hold time is too long, managers should increase the number of agents who are able to handle longer calls. A high-quality agent is more likely to provide superior customer service. If the average hold times are too long, a quality agent is more likely to be of better quality.

A useful way to measure customer interaction speed with a call center agent is the average handle time metric. AHT is an important metric for company success. A shorter AHT is associated with higher customer satisfaction. By reducing AHT without compromising quality, a call center can achieve more customer service. To improve agent productivity, there are many other metrics you can track.