August 1, 2023

How to Add Value to Your Leads With Customer Behavior Metrics

How to Add Value to Your Leads With Customer Behavior Metrics Use AI technology to turn web leads into live calls for your sales team.

Are most leads garbage? While the answer isn’t black and white, you’ve undoubtedly felt the pain of leads that don’t pan out after paying good money. Your team may be spinning in place without making strides even though you have a nearly limitless harvest of leads to choose from. The problem isn’t always lead quality. The problem could be that you’re being given leads without the very necessary roadmap that should accompany them. We’re talking about customer behavior metrics. Every sales team should be informed by clear customer behavior metrics that help them to achieve customer loyalty and retention. In this article, we’ll tell you why this data is so important for meeting your goals.

The First Step: Make Sure Leads Are Validated

We can’t have a discussion about customer behavior metrics without first touching on lead quality. Lead validation is the process of generating leads using Internet marketing campaigns. During the validation process, leads are verified and scored based on quality. This process separates sales leads from non-sales leads.

Your sales team wants sales leads. Why? These leads help your team avoid wasting time on general marketing leads that are scored at a lower quality. Sales leads result in more closed sales than non-sales leads because they give your team the ability to strike while the iron is hot instead of chasing down vaguely interested leads. Most sales teams today cut right to the chase by only focusing on sales leads without even entertaining non-sales leads.

The challenge for most businesses is that validating leads is extremely time consuming and, if you’re doing it manually, can be fraught with errors. Because of this, many businesses are using AI to validate leads for pennies.’s Lead Optimizer allows you to validate your first 600 leads for free. If you sign up today for your free account, you could have all of your leads validated minutes afterwards.

Now, while validated leads are the best, they get even better when you add in the right metrics. In addition to confirming that a lead is interested in a sale, the right metrics can reveal what brought a lead in. This brings us back to the topic of customer behavior metrics.

What Are Customer Behavior Metrics?

Customer behavior metrics are data points used to predict expected customer engagement. You’re using data that’s already been collected to make predictions about what customers will do next. A customer behavior measurement is different from a customer profile. While a customer profile tells you who your customer is, customer behavior metrics tell you how customers behave when interacting with your brand, product, or service. These metrics are important for helping you to communicate with your customers in productive, lucrative ways.

What Are Some Core Customer Behavior Metrics?

Tracking how customers interact with your brand puts you in the right position to offer the right services, opportunities, and deals. It can also help you to choose the right “tone” for the user experience. Here’s a look at some key behavior metrics that reveal the “who” behind the lead:

  • Interactions With Landing Pages: Knowing about the content that drew a lead in is the secret to knowing how to create content to keep a lead engaged! Without this information, you’re stuck guessing about information that should already be serving as the baseline for your interactions with a lead.
  • Behavior Within a Funnel: What made customers lose interest? This is nearly as important as knowing what got their attention in the first place.
  • Keywords: Being privy to keywords customers used to become leads is priceless! This tells you about the intentions and habits of your leads. In addition to helping you nurture existing leads, this information also helps you structure future campaigns to draw in similar customers.

What to Do With Customer Behavior Metrics

What should brands be doing with information about customer behavior? This data plays an important role in forming your brand’s user experience. The truth is that today’s customers are impatient. They expect brands to understand their needs and expectations from the start. The bigger truth is that your competitors are already pulling this off because they’re getting leads with customer behavior metrics. Here’s what you should be doing with behavior metrics that come in with your leads:

  • Predicting Customer Value: Customer behavior data helps sales teams to predict a lead’s overall lifetime value as a customer. With this information, you can determine how much to spend per lead to still come out on top.
  • Practicing Content Optimization: In the end, it’s all about building a better customer experience. Customer behavior data allows you to build campaigns for your most valuable leads.
  • Supporting Customer Retention: How do you keep a lead for life? Acknowledge them. By identifying high-value leads, brands can provide the acknowledgment and recognition customers need to feel valued. This can make you the preferred company even when competitors offer better products or pricing.

If you’re currently struggling with poor methods of tracking customer behavior, your leads are mysteries to you. You can’t market to a mystery. That’s why lead validation needs to come with customer behavior metrics. If you aren’t getting the customer behavior metrics that you deserve, can help. Schedule a call with us and we’ll help you get the customer insights your business needs to grow.