Category: lead generation

January 25, 2020

Power words for call center phrases

The call center phrases should convey the right message. Carefully choose the words and tone, and then script them. Referring to the Golden Rule (Karma), or the Law of Nature will make a good impression on customers. Remember that the moral arc bends toward justice, and using the words and tone of an ethical company… View Article

January 17, 2020

What is the Meaning of Virtual Call?

The first step to set up a virtual contact center is choosing the software. Choose a platform that allows agents to use their preferred device, such as a laptop or smartphone. This eliminates the “device barrier” which can frustrate customers. It’s also great for small businesses who might not have the funds to invest in… View Article

September 12, 2023

Why Sales Agents Waste 75% of Every Day

Your sales team can’t perform magic. Stop giving them leads that make magic the only option for success! Yes, your team might be amazing. Yes, your team might be extremely motivated. However, the reality of sales and cold calling is that sales agents are often constrained by the resources provided to them. That’s why having… View Article